Christmas Past

I recall at home, a solitary candle in the window, the candle steeped in old traditions, lighting the way for the Holy family.

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Scottish Halloween traditions

Did you know that the origins of Halloween were in Celtic celebrations of Samhain. Samhain marked the end of summer and the start of harvest. It also believed that it is a time when the veil between the world of the living and the dead was at it thinnest and that spirits can cross over to the land of the living.

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Christine Guay Comments
Spotlight on a proud Scottish Canadian - Donald Smith, EdD, CPT

Don, who turned 85 in July, is proud of being born with both Scottish (and Irish from his mother), and railroad in his blood. When Don was little, his father used to take him to the Embro Highland Games, a few miles outside of his birthplace, Stratford, Ontario, where they watched with pride, as the mass Pipe bands performed.

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