The Return to Community Kilt Skates

The Scottish Society of Ottawa prides itself in always hosting its kilt skate outdoors. This can prove challenging some years — including this overcast, cold and windy winter’s day at the Lansdowne Park Skating Court.

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Don Cummer
Kilt Skating When It Feels Like Minus-40

t takes a certain twisted determination to do something as impractical as skating with bare knees when the thermometer tells you it’s 25-below, but with the wind chill, it feels like 40-below. The Scots have a word for it: THRAWN!

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Don Cummer
Dancers on Ice in Manhattan

For the fourth year, Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan has hosted the Tartan Kilt Skate NYC. This year, once again, skaters gathered in their kilts and tartans to celebrate Scottish heritage.

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Don Cummer